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Ayurveda is the thread that runs alongside my therapies. It is a 5,000 year old Hindu system of health that looks at the prevention of disease through lifestyle and diet according to a person's constitutional type (dosha). 

Ayurveda translates as 'Science of Life' and maintains that all life must be supported by energy in balance.  Where there is minimal stress, and the flow of energy within a person is balanced, the body's natural defence systems will be strong and more easily defend against disease. 

Ayurveda encompasses all aspects of life - the body, mind, and spirit.  It recognises that each of us is unique and, as such, we each respond differently to the many aspects of life.

At the point of conception, the basic biology of our body is determined.  This is called our dosha of which there are three distinct types.  These three types (doshas) are composed of the energies of five great elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether.


The three doshas have distinct characteristics both physically and emotionally.

vata dosha


Composed of Ether and Air Responsible for movement in the body 



Composed of Fire and Water Responsible for metabolism within the body



Composed of Earth and Water

Responsible for the bodily structure

Knowing which dosha you predominantly belong to will enable you to make lifestyle choices to maintain a healthy flow of energy throughout the body.

As someone who has studied Ayurveda for many years, I am able to provide dietary and lifestyle advice where applicable and support you in your journey to good health.

Ayurveda can be used alongside Western medicine.

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